Making my Heart Sing

Making my Heart Sing

We act as if we have all the time in the world. I have for decades and I’ve watched many others move in slow motion as if the final moment of our lives isn’t really real. We are constantly marching towards it. The Buddhist meditate on it and with my upcoming 60th...
7 Reasons Why I Like Teaching Yoga on Zoom

7 Reasons Why I Like Teaching Yoga on Zoom

Forums such as Zoom, YouTube, Facebook Live, and Instagram Live are now all being used to teach yoga classes, thereby making them accessible to everyone at home and to help us stay connected. Click here to read about it and to learn the 7 reasons why I like teaching...
Finding Balance and Equanimity as We Age

Finding Balance and Equanimity as We Age

Hello friends. Part 3 of my Yoga and Aging series is called Finding Balance and Equanimity As We Age. In this piece I talk about the importance of developing balance, the positive effects yoga has on bone strength and increased mental capacity...
Exploring Flexibility and Strength As We Age

Exploring Flexibility and Strength As We Age

Hello friends. Part 2 of my Yoga and Aging series is called Exploring Flexibility and Strength As We Age. In this piece I briefly cover the ins and outs of flexibility versus agility; understanding strength and the aging process and share a short mini exercise to try...
How to Age With Grace and Equanimity

How to Age With Grace and Equanimity

Hello friends. Over the next few weeks I will share a three-part series I wrote for Breathe Together Online, a local yoga studio’s online magazine, on yoga and aging. The first is called How to Age With Grace and Equanimity. In it I share a bit about the aging...